
Monitor Varroa Sampling Cups Directions

 Place the perforated cup inside the solid cup.  Fill the cups 2-3/4" full of either Dawn Ultra dishwashing detergent (1 Tbs to 1/2 gallon of water) or 90% rubbing alcohol. ...

Monitor Varroa Sampling Cups Directions

 Place the perforated cup inside the solid cup.  Fill the cups 2-3/4" full of either Dawn Ultra dishwashing detergent (1 Tbs to 1/2 gallon of water) or 90% rubbing alcohol. ...

Year of a Hive

Roles in the Hive Queen-Lays the eggs-The Queens are the only normal female. There is normally only one per hive. Workers- All Female-Work the hive make decisions. Nurse bees run...

Year of a Hive

Roles in the Hive Queen-Lays the eggs-The Queens are the only normal female. There is normally only one per hive. Workers- All Female-Work the hive make decisions. Nurse bees run...